Monday, December 14, 2009

Still Growing....

I had another visit with the doc today. Aside from my continually dislocating & incredibly painful pelvis & frequent contractions, all is going well. I'm soooo ready for this baby to be here (except the fact of so much shopping left to do for her. I haven't even bought diapers yet!!), but apparently she is still not quite ready. I am only dilated 1 cm. I must remind myself we are lucky that she is still growing where it is best for her to be, whether I am insanely uncomfortable or not. For those of you too far away to enjoy seeing my ever growing bump, I have included a picture at 35 weeks. (It's even scarier underneath with the increasing number of stretch marks creeping higher each day.) Hopefully this will be the last update before we post some pics of our new little one :)


Misty @Creative Itch said...

Yay!! I was hoping you would post a picture of your belly!!

She'll be here before you know it!!

Hopie said...

You just don't get the full effect of that belly unless you see it in person!!! SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!

Jill Freestone said...

sorry you've been so uncomfortable - I can really empathize - the pain is so hard to handle - gets really really old and hard to be happy and kind. hang in there. been thinking about you, wondering if you're ok